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we've all been here before part II . . .

Posted on: 11.09.2012

                                                                                |  Film by: Dave Brewer |

"Photographer, Jen Fairchild invited fellow photographer and film maker, Dave Brewer to be involved with a very incredible personal project. "We've All Been Here Before" is a conceptual series of images that remind us all of the natural cycles of life, death, and giving back to the Earth. The project showcases three specific naturally beautiful subjects juxtaposed and somewhat hidden behind the ominous beauty of recovered skulls and bone structures from various wild animals. This Short Film was created to further express the special energy that existed on the wide open set that is the great outdoors."

I am thrilled that I had the opportunity to be apart of this wonderful art project.  Dave Brewer made this beautiful video capturing the entire experience.  It is really fun to watch and remember how cool it was collaborating with all of these inspiring artists. Enjoy!

Peace & Love -- Paris
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