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✧ . . the ends of summer . . .✧

Posted on: 11.29.2012

 Baja Shorts: Free People |  |  Aztec Fringe Shirt: Urban Outfitters| Sunnies + Rings: Vintage  

"Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!" 

|| Bob Marley ||

Photos by: TBartonphotography
| Model:Paris (moi) |

Peace & Love -- Paris
Don't forget to flow with me on instagram @CharcoalAlley


Posted on: 11.28.2012

Magical, mystical, magnetic--these are the words that come to mind when I think about ManiaMania's jewelry line.  I love every piece in this gorgeous collection, "Astral Plane".  The lookbook was shot by David Mandelberg, and modeled by Dree Hemingway.  The mysterious, enigmatic nature of the campaign with its beautiful crystals, beaches and butterflies really transports us to another world.  ManiaMania shares the following about the line:

"MANIAMANIA's collections have been aptly described as mystical
 adornment for modern times. Each piece is a unique sculptural creation,
 using elements of magic and mysticism, alongside pop culture references
 as inspiration. Maniamania's pieces always have a story to tell, 
 or symbolic meaning, making them feel alive and powerful to wear. 
 In an emerging niche between costume and fine jewelry, the collections
 are sculpturally crafted out of silver and brass and are adorned with rough
  and faceted crystals and soft suede elements. The pieces have a hand made
  and original look that makes each piece one of a kind." 

I know what I am asking for this holiday season -- everything in this Australian jewelry line. 
Peace & Love -- Paris
Don't forget to Flow with me on instagram @CharcoalAlley 

. . . Astral Plane . . .

She wears Oxblood on her lips . . .

Posted on: 11.24.2012

BB Dakota Sweater: Fresh Boutique  | Gypsy Pants: SugarLips  |  Jewelry: De Petra  | Rings: Vintage | 

Photographer: Jen Fairchild 
model: Paris
stylist: Kat Fedorova
makeup: Emorie Cooke 

When your eyes are tired
the world is tired also.
When your vision has gone
no part of the world can find you.
Time to go into the dark
where the night has eyes
to recognize it own.
There you can be sure
you are not beyond love.
The dark will be your womb
The night will give you a horizon
further than you can see.
You must learn one thing.
The world was made to be free in.
Give up all the other worlds
except the one to which you belong.
Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.


David Whyte's poem, has become the impetus for me to keep opening myself to a greater life.  I think many of us have things, maybe places or people that tend to hold us back and keep us small.  Some of us are afraid that if we shine too bright -- we might appear threatening.  Someone will be upset.  We might expose where someone else is hiding their brightness.  

Take a look at your life, and see if you can identify one area where you are hiding out, holding back or playing small.  Dare to burn a little brighter.  Take just a step or two--or three in that direction.  Declare what you really want, and who you really want to be.  Ask for assistance, from your allies and from the Universe itself.  Life is waiting to support you.  You were born to shine.

Peace & Love -- Paris
Don't forget to Flow with me on instagram @CharcoalAlley 

Never Stop Dreaming . . .

Posted on: 11.19.2012

<| Creativity >> Sparks >> Life |> 

"Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you. But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder." ||Thoreau ||

 I have a lot of goodness-a-brewin, and I want to share it with you. Stay current -- follow me

    Peace & Love -- Paris

Don't forget to follow me on instagram @CharcoalAlley 

. R.U.N.A.W.A.Y.

Posted on: 11.18.2012

|| be true to who you are ||

        Peace & Love -- Paris

Don't forget to follow me on instagram @CharcoalAlley 

Photos by: TBartonphotography
| Models: Tessa, & Paris (moi) ||

❅ Snow Queens ❅

Posted on: 11.15.2012

| Models: ZoĆ« MaksTessa, & Paris (moi) || Clothing: (Get Creative) We made them. |

"No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place." - Zen Proverb

   Peace & Love -- Paris

Don't forget to follow me on instagram @CharcoalAlley 

Photos by: TBartonphotography

Carrier of Light, or Sometimes, I Dance Weird . . .

Posted on: 11.11.2012

 || Carrier of Light ||

I surprised myself.  Ha!  Never in a million years would I have thought that I could dance.  Although, I am the type of girl that loves to slip on a new pair of heels and hit a concert, dancing the night away, I never have considered myself a dancer.  As a child, I certainly shied away from that area.  I was the girl that could jump and run.  I was long, sporty and certainly not your typical girl.  And, of course, I was more than a little weird. 

I’ve been practicing yoga for almost two years now, and I am realizing that everything is just energy.  You can move it; you must move it, get into it, get it, let it get you. That’s all there is to dance.  Just feel it, and let the music move you.  Let energy move through you.  You become the dance.  If you look a little weird, well, that's just beautiful!

Peace & Love -- Paris

Don't forget to follow me on instagram @CharcoalAlley 

Kimono Crazy . . .

One-of-a-kind creations are magical and precious. I think that's because they have often been touched by a true artist's hand.  I know that's why I immediately fell in love with these gorgeous, vibrant, hand painted silk, kimonos by Paris Kain. Paris shared with Vogue the inspiration behind these designs, “I was inspired by Taiana’s koi fish and a recent trip to Kyoto, Japan, where I visited with a family that taught me all about the art of natural dyes. It made sense to move my medium from canvas to silk.”  Paris is a multi-talented artist, and he has an incredible fashion label called Abrax Rex.  Below the artist explains a bit about his company.
"Abraxas Rex founded and designed by artist Paris Kain . The company resides in New York City, but their precious and semi precious stones and artifacts are discovered throughout the world. Abraxas Rex is proud to be the first fine-jewelry company to successfully use a Platinum Silver Alloy, as well as merge stones from earth and outer space.Abraxas Rex adornments are inspired by the myth of Atlantis and by Gnostic texts dating from 200 BCE. In the Gnostic religion, Abraxas is the god of both light and darkness. The Abraxas Rex collection represents the natural duality that is embodied in every living form.
 Definitely, I am kimono crazy for these. Who wouldn't adore wearing them on their next tropical vacation.  I'll take one of each please! 

Peace & Love -- Paris

Don't forget to follow me on instagram @CharcoalAlley 


△ ▾ △ ▾ △

Posted on: 11.10.2012


||“You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”-- Mark Twain ||

Don't forget to follow me on instagram @CharcoalAlley 

image source: found

♒. The.Doors.of.perception .♒

Bralet: Calvin Klein | Skirt: F21 |  Jewelry: Antique tribal | Heels: Michael Kors

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern." - William Blake 

        Peace & Love -- Paris

Don't forget to follow me on instagram @CharcoalAlley 

Photos by: TBartonphotography

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