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Beetle Juice Jacket . . .

Posted on: 3.05.2013

  || High Waisted Leo Pants: Golden Dreamers | Bikini Top: Victoria Secret || 
||Rock Necklace: Anthropologie | Beetle Juice Jacket : Vintage Lucky Brand | Skull Sandals: Jeffrey Campbell | | 

Beetle Juice Jacket . . . that's what I call this black and white, striped, sweater wrap. It's now considered a "vintage" lucky brand in my closet.  Some people hate it (some silly boys made fun of it and pegged it "the beetle juice jacket"), but I adore it.  I decided to style it with my new, Golden Dreamers, Leo pants - perfect for a boho soul.  There is a French expression, "Être Libre De Temps En Temps", which means, be free from to time to time.  What a fun surprise to see this tagged on a random wall in the heart of Laguna.  I really like that someone bothered to create this positive message through their art and graffiti.  It's little magical things like this expression, and the simple chalk hearts, that bring me back into the present moment and make me ponder what I value and how I want to live.  The quote couldn't display a better expression of what we were doing that day, enjoying a little bit of California sunshine, being careless and free, shopping and sipping delicious Cappuccino's at a favorite spot -- Zinc Cafe.  It was a great day. 

Instagram @CharcoalAlley

xo xo xo // PARIS


  1. BEautiful set of pictures as usual :)


    Coline ♡

  2. Very nice this photos!

  3. those pants are fantastic! and the photos are beautiful as always.

  4. You look amazing! Adore your boho style

  5. These photos are gorgeous! You are beautiful. Thanks for stopping by Infinite Style.

    Juliette Laura

  6. How cool are those pants!


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