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[ Parisian Lóve Nöte ]

Posted on: 12.31.2013

May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, 
you surprise yourself.
Neil Gaiman -

 Special thanks to my beautiful, best friend, Tessa Barton.  She's always so willing to help me with creative projects.  Tessa, has been a major catalyst in helping me find my inner joy, and I credit her for being perhaps the main reason my blog and creative spirit came alive.  She's the most amazing girl that I have even known -- a talented musician (LUNA LUNE), and an incredible photographer . . . the quintessential artist -- not to mention drop dead, gorgeous.  I love her beyond measure.  She's a dream. Love you girl!  

Ashala Slip: Adore Me 
Beanie: ASOS + here 
Socks: QooQoo 
Jewelry:  Charcoal Alley + Vida Kush 

Fashion Photos by: Tessa Barton 

Peace, Love & Good Chocolate

found photos: via tumblr


  1. Ah I love these photos, so beautiful! And your room is so cute too!

  2. OMG!! You look stunning!! I love the photos hereee.. you look so gorgeous!! <3 :)

    Happy New Year! :)


  3. Wow this is such a great post dear ! beautiful pictures <3

    Happy New Year ! lots of Love in 2014 <3 !

  4. Wow, stunning photos! Such a lovely post!
    Happy 2014! :D hope it'll be everything that you want it to be.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Helen at Hels Yeah! xx

  5. I love this post! Very inspiring and you look gorgeous! Happy new years!


  6. greats pics!! :) Happy New Year!!

  7. These pictures are beyond gorgeous, you look stunning!
    Mafalda ❤

  8. these photos are stunning! and you are beautiful!


  9. What gorgeous and stunning photos! So beautiful!

    xo Deborah
    Coffee, Prose, and Pretty Clothes

  10. Wow, amazing photoshot <3

  11. BEAUTIFUL photos!!


    Buffalo Britty

  12. Thanks a lot for this really beautiful post <3

    And thank you for your pleasant comment on my blog! I checked your blog and I like it <3 Of this cause I would like to follow you on gfc and/or bloglovin. It would be great if you come again to my blog to follow me – then I will follow you immediately back.

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  13. You are lovely!
    Love your blog!
    Thanks for visiting my blog :) xx


  14. happy ny sweet!
    Join my giveaway:

  15. Love the photos, amazing!! :)
    Thank you for the comment on my blog, I followed you, hope you will follow me back. :)


  16. ..was drooling over apartments
    to rent in paris last night [my little
    muse lives there] .. and now came
    here to see, ~ & truly enjoy, your
    beautiful version & vision of it.
    synchronicity. there seem to be a
    lot of that when i’m ’around you’,
    beautiful lady. [seeing you’ve also
    changed your blog into the very
    template i was eying this winter.
    [if you have the time, sweet paris;
    were you on wordpress before too,
    and are you happy with the change?]

    much love,
    h, x

    1. Living in Paris would be a dream . . .
      Thank you, for you sweet note. I have
      a lot of fun creating my blog world --
      pairing my photos with found inspiration.
      I would love to see you in Paris . . .
      What a magical environment.

      I was very happy when I found this new blog template.
      I love the ones that Ana designs. She is wonderful at
      designing templates with a clean, contemporary look.

      I've never used Wordpress. I've always wondered
      which blog platform is the best option. Blogger seems
      to have a few features that are not ideal, but it works
      for now.

      Thanks, again, for you love notes, Your
      blog is one of my absolute favorites.
      I love your creative spirit.

      Peace, Love, & Good Chocolate,


  17. How am I so lucky to have the most beautiful best friend. You are the essence of so much beauty in the world. Thank you for constantly coloring my thoughts and making the world your masterpiece. I feel lucky to ever be a part of it! Who knows where I would be without you, you unraveled a happiness inside of me that I forgot existed. You are the most special human being I know, one that travels with magic in her tracks, leaving behind a breath of confidence, a sun like path, and an anchor of hope. Hope that life is the most beautiful experience, one that you get it light on fire. Love you Pari, sauce sauce sauce. xo

  18. Adorable photos. You are very pretty.

    Happy New Year 2014 :)


I love reading your comments. They always make me smile. :)

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