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Adore Me Love

Posted on: 2.13.2014

The other day on my instagram, I posed the following question:  What is the purpose of your existence?

I loved the beautiful answers that were written, in response:  “To love, to live life and love, to love and be loved, to experience a human body and feel joy, to love, love and love more deeply.”

I believe that in the end, there is only love.  I think the truth is that, most everybody already knows this, and one day, we will see and understand this fully.  Even now, we can see, how even the most painful experiences are somehow leading us into a deeper experience of love.

We want to love.  We want to be loved.   We are love.  If you are lucky enough to have a special person in your life, someone that you love more than anyone, celebrate that.  If not, look at all of your relationships . . . love and appreciate all the ways that the Universe supports and blesses you through others.  If you are feeling lonely or a little sad right now, take a deep breath and feel into your heart.  YOU can send love and compassion to that wounded part of yourself.  I remember the day I realized that I loved myself - that I could, and would, and did love myself, in a way that no one else ever could.  Now, that is where the story gets very interesting . . . 

So, celebrate love in all of its forms.  For Valentine’s day, this year, I’m sending you all a cosmic box of your favorite chocolates.  The centers are filled with my heart-felt love.  (How gooey is that?)    

Shop this look:  Floral Kimono: wonderland Honolulu 
                            →  Bra + Undies: Adore Me

Fashion Photos by: Tessa Barton
found photos: via. tumblr + (rose photo by #hawaiiancoconut) 

Peace, Love & Good Chocolate


  1. I love you. Another perfect post :)!


  2. So gorgeous!!;)

  3. you are gorgeous!! love the set too :)


  4. Beautiful look and inspiring words Paris. Gooey, but, chocolates generally are! ;) xoxo

  5. you are inspiring paris!
    have fun with tes :)

  6. Stunning!!! Great inspiration!!! You always say the most amazing things at the exactely right time!!! Love you!!! Big kisses. Xoxooxoxoxo

  7. J'adore this post!! Happy valentines day babe

  8. Aw such beautiful words, I feel the same it all comes back to love!


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