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Make your own Magic!

Posted on: 3.05.2014

                       Charcoal Alley x Volcom
Yo yo, beautiful, sweet thangs . . .  
 I had such a blast collaborating with Volcom Womens on the Charcoal Alley x Volcom project.  There is nothing more beautiful than experiencing people celebrating the joy of simply being alive.  Watch this, and remind yourself that ultimate happiness and freedom comes from believing in, chasing, and ultimately, living out your dreams!  Trust, what Joseph Campbell said . . . “follow your bliss; don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be.”  I challenge you, today, to take at least one step towards manifesting your dream.  It’s true, you know, that it’s all just a dream?  So, why not make it something wonderful?
Peace, Love & Good Chocolate



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